Join us as we welcome Erzsébet Ravasz Regan on the Science of Networks: What do your cells, cellphones, infectious diseases and political beliefs have in common? They can be all explored through the emerging field of network science. Today we will examine a diverse range of complex systems such as societies, business relationships, cells, ecosystems and the internet. We will look for surprising commonalities between these systems, and highlight some of the cutting-edge applications of characterizing and predicting their behavior using the language of networks.
Erzsébet Ravasz Regan is Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the College of Wooster. She teaches courses in cell biology, computational and systems biology and the study of networks. Her research experience ranges from theoretical exploration of all things network during her Ph.D. to the inner workings of our cells. Her current interests revolve around the large cellular networks. These networks dictate cell behavior, and break down in diseases such as cancer as well as during the process of aging.